Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chronic Disease Prevention

Most chronic diseases are preventable, yet the rates of these diseases are have been rising and will continue to do so.  Prevention is the most powerful tool, however many people chose risky lifestyles and ignore advice that will help them avoid getting these diseases later in life.  Take smoking for instance, most people know that this behavior will lead to a shortened life expectancy due to a number of diseases, however people continue to smoke.  A similar argument can be made for the obesity problem in this country, we know that exercise and a healthy diet are good for us but many people ignore this advice.  I think the new SCHIP tax on cigarettes is a good idea because if people want to smoke then they will pay the extra tax.  This tax funds health care for children, so basically they are putting money into the health care pool that they will eventually need to use because of their smoking.  Some may say that the new tax is counterproductive because the more people smoke the more money goes to SCHIP, however I feel that the tax is just piggybacking off cigarettes that smokers are going to buy regardless.  The government cannot tell people what they can or can't do even if it is in their own best interest.  This new cigarette tax will either inadvertently make a lot of money or dissuade people from smoking (not likely) both of which are good things that will save future health care dollars. 

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