Monday, April 27, 2009

Monitoring Chronic Diseases

To effectively tackle the rising costs to treat chronic disease, more needs to be done than just prevention. Many people with type II diabetes and other chronic diseases get the disease and it stays with them for life. Therefore, prevention of getting diabetes in the first place is not possible for the millions of Americans that already have diabetes. I believe the key to managing diseases like diabetes is the monitoring of chronic diseases under the guidance of a physician and health professionals. The monitoring process includes how to eat and exercise properly if diet has an effect on the chronic disease, and how to monitor the chronic disease at home. The highest cost for the health care system is when chronic diseases turn into serious problems like chronic diseases causing a heart attack or stroke... that's when the high costs of health care factors in with hospital bills and surgeries. However, with correct monitoring treatment, many chronic diseases could be managed properly and people could lead relatively healthy lives with the chronic diseases.

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