Compliance remains an important issue when tackling chronic disease. It is not easy to obtain good compliance. It is one thing instructing somebody to do things differently and another actually following the advise. There need to be ways to tackle compliance at a personal and professional level.
Follow up of patients with chronic disease is a herculean task. Our health care systems are not designed in such a way to maintain strict follow up of patients with chronic disease and this is another area where efforts directed could bring in dramatic changes in disease prevalence.
Patients suffering from chronic diseases require long term prescription drugs , sometimes lifelong. These medications need to be more affordable.
At last chronic diseases require more than just a physician, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychiatrists have a key role to play. A multidisciplinary approach is required on a dedicated basis to treat these patients.
Needless to say prevention tops the list, if a family has a known history of a chronic disease, individuals in that family should be given the education to equip themselves to avoid risk factors that could prevent them from developing the disease.
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